Sunday, October 25, 2009

Not A Sunset Shot From the Freeway

How difficult is it to drive on the freeway and snap a
picture of a California sunset? It was rather impressive
tonight to shoot my iPhone camera, (the shutter is smaller
than the tip of my finger), and to came away with a blurred
impression of tail lights and the road. But, the sunset is seared
in my memory with it's pinks and reds and yellows and teal blues.
I think I should at least honor the hand that created this masterpiece.
And, even though the painting by British artist, Robert Vaughn,
doesn't quite do the real thing justice, I like the fact that
we humans will attempt to imitate God's handiwork. Perhaps
we never get closer to true aesthetic beauty than
when we copy nature.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Age of Gentility

The beauty in the Victorian era awaits the observer. A young woman
who cares for her sister with one hand and carries a
bouquet of roses in the other. Serenity and restraint are
gazing out at us, the captivated viewer, in this beautiful
daguerreotype. The girls' mother shot the photo, and chose to shoot
outside in a natural setting. Most daguerreotypes of the era were shot
inside in a studio. The composition of older sister sitting and large
rosebush behind her is perpendicular to the lines of the sleeping
sister and the landscape and the flower bed. This is a beautiful
piece of art, not just a family photo. I love her choice of subject.
Many women of the time, including Julia Cameron, were shooting
large buildings and in studio portraits, this daguerreotype is a
revolution in photo as art.

Monday, October 19, 2009

What a beautiful video of women in art.
